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From the desk of Dr. James Braly - Parkinson's

Release date: 9/19/2015

With each issue of Dr. Braly's newsletters,  we focus on new, promising stem cell therapies and science-based alternative medicine remedies for so-called "untreatable" medical conditions.

Unfortunately, many of you are already suffering from these chronic diseases, diseases for which conventional allopathic doctors have no lasting solutions, and not much hope to offer you. No lasting solutions and no hope elicits this all too familiar catchphrase,
"We're really sorry. Wish we could help, but there's  very little that modern medicine can do for you."
By presenting new, promising science-based research and therapies,  we are doing our best to give you many good reasons to hope again

What is Parkinson's disease?

A small area of your brain called the substantia nigra  (yellow area in drawing) controls voluntary muscle movement.   In Parkinson's disease, cells in the substantia nigra die and voluntary movements become very difficult.

Parkinson's disease (also simply called Parkinson's) is a chronic, progressive brain disease that causes loss of voluntary muscle control. This loss of control is the result of nerve cell death in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra. These nerve cells produce a chemical messenger called dopamine that's lost with the death of each cell.  Dopamine deficiency is the end result.

Dopamine deficiency in the brain is linked to muscle stiffness and rigidity, muscle weakness, lack of energy, lightheadedness, loss of motivation and creativity, drowsiness, short attention span, poor concentration, inability to feel much pleasure and enjoyment, clinical depression and social withdrawal - all symptoms frequently reported by Parkinson's patients.       

Parkinson's usually develops after age 60, but in about 10% of cases it's diagnosed in people under age of 40 (A classic example of "early Parkinson's" is movie/TV actor Michael J. Fox, diagnosed at age 32). There appears to be a strong genetic component to Parkinson's;  data from more than 10 published studies shows an increased risk in relatives of Parkinson's patients that is as much as 1,400% higher than that found in the general population.  Although the disease can become quite disabling, it does not result in a shortened lifespan. Today, Parkinson's disease affects about one million Americans, with 60,000 more diagnosed each year.  With the aging of America, the numbers are rapidly increasing.

EARLY SIGNS OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE (The signs tend to be mild and subtle at first, often overlooked or confused with other conditions):

  • stiffness, rigidity
  • shuffling when walking
  • stooped when standing or walking
  • slight shaking of a finger, hand, leg and/or lip
  • difficulty getting out of a chair
  • crowded, cramped handwriting with small letters
  • motionless, "masked" facial expression
 SIGNS OF ADVANCED PARKINSON'S DISEASE (At this stage, four distinctive, disabling signs take over):

1. Tremors:  An involuntary rhythmic "pill-rolling" movement (like rolling a pill between the thumb and index finger) occurs when the hand is at rest. Tremors are also commonly seen in the legs, head and neck. Although the most common sign of Parkinson's, 30% of patients do not have tremors. 

2. Stiffness and rigidity of the body: This occurs because muscles stay stiff and don't relax.  Examples: Stiff, forward-leaning walk, arms not swinging when walking. 

3. Slowed down body movements (fancy term is "bradykinesia"):  When moving, the body may be very slow to respond and the Parkinson's patient may suddenly stop walking and freeze. A shuffling, forward-leaning walk, slow turning around when standing or walking, and a mask-like, emotionless facial expression are all examples of bradykinesia.

4. Poor balance & frequent falls

Other signs and symptoms may include: chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression, loss of motivation, reduction in feelings of pleasure and enjoyment, memory and learning problems, speech and swallowing problems, and constipation.  

What is the Substantia Nigra?

Parkinson’s occurs when dopamine-producing nerve cells in the substantia nigra are destroyed. Without dopamine, the substantia nigra cannot properly send messages between nerve cells.  This leads to the tremors, poor balance,     stiffness, slow movements, and a mask-like facial expression. 

"Parkinson's disease is a chronic brain disease caused by the death of dopamine-producing nerve cells in the substantia nigra."

"Substantia nigra nerve cells normally produce and release a chemical messenger called dopamine. When these cells die, the substantia                       nigra can no longer send out messages between nerve cells." 

"The major shortcoming of L-DOPA and similar Rx drug treatments is that they treat symptoms & signs of Parkinson's (e.g., low levels of dopamine) rather than the cause (death of dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra)."
Fundamental shortcomings of prescription drugs for Parkinson's: Predictably, the brain's substantia nigra is the target of prescription drug therapy for Parkinson's disease. L-DOPA (levodopa) is the most commonly prescribed medication for Parkinson's, and despite controversy concerning its toxicity (often results in abnormal body movements) and short-term benefits, L-DOPA remains the most popular treatment.  By increasing dopamine levels in the substantia nigra, it temporarily lessens Parkinson's signs & symptoms and is especially effective in treating patients in the early, milder stages of Parkinson's.  However, L-DOPA notoriously loses its effectiveness over time (By depleting the body of folic acid and vitamin B12, L-DOPA also increases blood levels of homocysteine. THIS IS NOT GOOD - More about the dangers of homocysteine below). The fundamental shortcoming of L-DOPA and similar drug treatments that increase dopamine production (e.g., Sinemet, Madopar, Syndopa,  Larodopa and the nutrient derivative NADH)  is that they treat the symptoms and signs of Parkinson's (low brain levels of dopamine), rather than an underlying cause (preventing death of dopamine-producing brain cells in the substantia nigra).
Treating only symptoms rather than treating the underlying causes of disease remains the basic, fundamental failing of prescription drug-oriented medicine.

"Clearly, there is an urgent need for new & better approaches to treating Parkinson's."

BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER LET'S FIRST GET RID OF A PERSISTENT AND HARMFUL MYTH: This myth is about the human brain; namely, once brain cells are damaged or destroyed, the brain is incapable of self-repair and regeneration. THIS IS FALSE! "Neurogenesis" (the ability of the brain and spinal cord to create and grow new nerve cells) and "neurorestoration" (the ability of the brain and spinal cord to repair damaged, diseased or injured nerve cells) are the new 21st century neurological truths, truths that open up a whole new frontier of promising, hopeful treatments.
In keeping with our mission statement, here are new, promising approaches for treating and preventing Parkinson's disease:    Stem cell therapy for Parkinson's disease

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are the regenerative building blocks of our bodies, and have the ability to create and repair our blood, immune system, nerves, cartilage, heart muscle, liver, and even insulin-producing cells.  Stem cells are found in places like bone marrow and fat tissue, but the youngest, most flexible stem cells in the body come from the umbilical cord blood and placenta at birth.

Umbilical cord blood stem cells

Umbilical cord blood from healthy blood type O mothers who have just given birth to full-term healthy babies offers one of the safest and most effective sources of adult stem cells.                                                                                                              
The very first successful stem cell therapy took place in 1989 when a French researcher took umbilical cord blood from a healthy newborn & gave it to the newborn's 5-year-old sibling suffering from Fanconi's anemia, a severe form of anemia that causes bone defects. Since then, over 25,000 umbilical cord blood stem cell therapies 
between unrelated patients have been reported in the treatment of over 80 different medical conditions. 

Introducing "MR. STAR" ( Note:  To protect his privacy,  his name is fictitious )

Mr. Star, a successful 59-year-old businessman, contacted us with a three-year history of advanced Parkinson's disease.  At the time he was taking L-DOPA medication to help relieve symptoms.

Mr. Star suffered from slow movements (bradykinesia), especially when walking. He had to take slow, small steps to turn around.  He walked with a shuffling, forward-leaning gait and walked without swinging his arms.  He had noticeable hand tremors at rest, his right hand worse than his left.  Being right handed, handwriting was very difficult, resulting in small, cramped letters. Dressing himself and performing any task requiring his right hand was a struggle. 

Mr. Star's facial expressions were "mask-like."  He talked slowly and softly and had an embarrassing tendency to drool.  His driver's license had been revoked because of his Parkinson's disabilities.  Stress of any kind seemed to worsen his symptoms. 

Poor speech, poor handwriting, slow movements, an unchanging facial expression and drooling - Mr. Star's advanced Parkinson's was obviously not compatible with the demands of a high-profile, high-achieving business executive.  Mr. Star's business career was in jeopardy. 

Before approaching our stem cell center for treatment, Mr. Star was treated elsewhere with umbilical cord blood stem cells.  Unfortunately, he received stem cells that had to be frozen first in order to ship them to the treatment center. As a consequence, his first treatment resulted in only mild improvement (Freezing of stem cells reportedly destroys some 30% of stem cells and may cause the remaining 70% or so to be less viable and effective.  Note: At Stem Cell Center of North America (SCCNA), umbilical cord blood and placental stem cells are never frozen; instead they are incubated at a normal internal body temperature for approximately two weeks before being hand-delivered to our center on each of the two consecutive stem cell treatment days). 

Mr. Star was treated at our center with 60 million (unfrozen) umbilical cord blood stem cells.  They were administered intravenously, intrathecally (by spinal tap) and by means of the Circle of Willis arterial catheterization protocol into a small circle of arteries located just underneath the brain.  With the additional help of daily physical and occupational therapy at home, over the next six months Mr. Star realized an overall improvement of about 70%.   His neurologist was able to decrease his daily L-DOPA medication during this period.  A second treatment with stem cells was given six months later at our center - this time the stem cells were injected intrathecally (that is, by spinal tap directly into his spinal fluid)  with a subsequent improvement approaching 90%.  L-DOPA was no longer needed.  His driver's license was reissued. He became more active in business again.                                                                               

Successful stem cell treatment of 50 Parkinson's patients:

50 Parkinson's patients receiving stem cells experienced a median improvement of over 50 percent. Evidence of neurogenesis and neurorestoration was observed.

Stem cells were administered without complications to these 50 Parkinson's patients, using the "Circle of Willis"             arterial catheterization protocol.  Circle of Willis arterial catheterizations are routinely and safely performed at several centers by a licensed interventional radiologist.

In the 2010 issue of Journal of Society of Interventional Radiology, 50 Parkinson's patients were reported to have been treated successfully with stem cells. The major findings in this exceptionally promising study include:

• 50 Parkinson's patients - 36 men and 14 women - were treated with stem cells. Their ages ranged from 38 (early Parkinson's) to 81-year-old with an average age of 63 years.  The average number of years with Parkinson's at the time of stem cell treatment was 9 years.
• Stem cells were administered without complications by means of the Circle of Willis arterial catheterization protocol. This protocol involves a licensed interventional radiologist (a physician trained and licensed to do arterial catheterizations) inserting a long, thin, flexible catheter into an artery in the groin area, then carefully threading the catheter past the heart, into the neck's carotid artery, and finally into a small circle of arteries called the Circle of Willis snugly situated just under the base of the brain  (For a more detailed description of this protocol, along with a drawing of the Circle of Willis, visit our web site @ www.stemcellcenterna.com). 

Measured & monitored by standardized testing of Parkinson's, patients experienced a median improvement of 51 percent in the following areas:
  •    improved daily activity levels (e.g., feeding, dressing and bathing themselves)
  •    improved quality of life (e.g., physical well-being, ease of performing physical activities,       improved marital and family relations,  less time feeling frustrated or impatient)
  •    reduction of Parkinson-related disabilities (e.g., less tremors, less stiffness, faster movements, improved mobility, improvement in sleep, balance,  speech and swallowing)
  •    improved mood 
  •    and perhaps the most promising, hopeful evidence of all: Evidence of  actual healing of brain cells (neurorestoration) and creation of new brain neurons  (neurogenesis) in and around the substantia nigra.    
 Parkinson's treated successfully with "mesenchymal" stem cells
The human placenta is a rich source of "mesenchymal" stem cells (MSCs). By protecting and preserving dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra, MSCs show great promise in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were observed to preserve and protect dopamine-producing nerve cells in the substantia nigra.

"These results demonstrate the potential of intravenous mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of Parkinsonism."


Mesenchymal (pronounced mah-zen-kə'-məl) stem cells are "multipotent" stem cells; that is, they are stem cells capable of becoming and functioning as a variety of other cells in your body after being administered, including but not limited to:  brain cells (brain neurons), cartilage cells, bone cells, fat cells, heart muscle cells, and as recently described, insulin-producing pancreas cells. These stem cells are found naturally in many different human tissues, including the bone marrow, skin, fat and brain.  However, the most common source of high quality and high therapeutic numbers of MSCs  is the human placenta from blood type O healthy mothers who have just given birth to full-term healthy babies. 


1) In this important 2010 research, MSCs were given intravenously to rats with Parkinson's-like disease.  Results: The MSCs preserved and protected the brain neurons in the substantia nigra, the area most affected in Parkinson's disease, when compared to control Parkinson's rats that did not receive any stem cells.  In other words, intravenous MSCs protected dopamine-producing nerve cells in Parkinson's disease from premature death. The researchers conclude, "These results demonstrate the potentials of intravenous mesenchymal stem cell for treatment of Parkinsonism"  (Wang F et al. BMC Neurosci. April 2010).                                                                                                              

2) In another important study, intravenous mesenchymal stem cells infused into mice with Parkinson's-like disease were observed to migrate through the blood brain barrier and into the brain's substantia nigra, protecting dopamine-producing neurons from damage (Chao et al. J Neuroimmunol. 2009).

3) As we know, one of the primary goals in Parkinson's disease research is to develop a replacement for the dopamine-producing brain neurons destroyed by the disease.

In this exciting 2012 study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation,  Japanese researchers created dopamine-producing neurons from bone marrow-derived stem cells in monkeys (These stem cells were first retrieved from the monkeys by a standard bone marrow biopsy and then treated with growth factors that directed the stem cells to become dopaminergic neurons).  The monkeys that donated their own bone marrow stem cells were then treated with a toxic chemical to induce Parkinson's disease. After becoming Parkinsonian, the monkeys then received a surgical transplant of the new dopaminergic neurons.

The researchers report that the monkeys that received the dopamine-producing neurons showed significant improvement in motor defects such as tremors, stiffness, rigidity & slow movements. This study clearly demonstrates that dopaminergic neurons created from bone marrow stem cells can be safely used to improve motor function of monkeys with Parkinson's disease. (Takuya Hayashi et al.  Autologous mesenchymal stem cell–derived dopaminergic neurons function in parkinsonian macaques. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2012)

Science-based Integrative Therapy for Parkinson's Disease

In addition to umbilical cord blood and mesenchymal placental stem cell therapy described above, our affiliated stem cell centers routinely makes use of other science-based alternative medicine remedies in conjunction with stem cells to enhance and prolong the regenerative, restorative powers of stem cells.  This combining of knowledge and wisdom from different specialties of medicine to treat patients is call integrative medicine.

Below are six more science-based integrative therapies we are now routinely using along with stem cells to treat Parkinson's patients:

1)   Resveratrol (from skin of red grape) for Parkinson's:

The skin of red grapes is a good source of resveratrol.  Resveratrol therapy helps protect dopamine-producing             brain cells in the substantia nigra from damage.

Resveratrol is a phytonutrient (natural plant-derived chemical with nutritional value) found in high concentrations in the Japanese knotweed plant and in the skin of red grapes. It is known to support brain health.  

• In this 2010 study, rats with chemically-induced Parkinson's received resveratrol treatment.  The resveratrol treatment protected dopamine-producing nerve cells in the substantia nigra, preventing dopamine loss. The authors conclude, “Resveratrol may be used to . . . prevent subsequent behavioral, biochemical and histopathological changes which occur during Parkinson’s disease.”  (Khan et al.  Brain Res. 2010 Feb).

• Researchers at Weill Medical College of Cornell University reported dietary supplementation with resveratrol significantly reduced amyloid plaque formation in animal brains (Amyloid plaques are common pathological components of Alzheimer's disease and over 20 other neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease (Neurochemistry Internat'l, Feb 2009).

2)    Vitamin D for Parkinson's disease

Vitamin D deficiency is very common in many parts of the world, including the USA and Canada, and is linked to well over 40 common diseases, including Parkinson's.

People with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D are much more likely to develop Parkinson's when compared to         those with the highest vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D deficiency may play a key role in causing Parkinson's disease.

Research strongly suggests that people with low vitamin D levels are at an increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease.           
  • According to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (Summer, 2011) only 23% of Americans reach vitamin D blood levels needed for optimal health, leaving the other 77% of Americans with an increased risk of over 40 diseases, including Parkinson's disease.
  • Studies show that the part of the brain most affected by Parkinson's disease, the substantia nigra, contains a high number of receptors that latch onto, capture and make use of vitamin D, suggesting Vitamin D plays a key role in the substantia nigra.  
  • In a 2010 study from Finland, people with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D were much more likely to develop Parkinson's over the next 30 years when compared to those Finns with the highest Vitamin D levels (Archives of Neurology, July 2010). 
  • In another study, 70% of patients studied with a recent diagnosis of Parkinson's disease had subnormal blood levels of vitamin D (less than 30 units) and over 25% of them were outright vitamin D deficient (less than 20 units). The authors suggest that people with Parkinson's are not getting nearly enough vitamin D for a long period of time and Vitamin D deficiency may have played a key role in causing the disease (Neurology, March 2011).
NOTE: The main source of Vitamin D for most humans is direct sunlight on the skin.  However, patients in nursing homes and other long-term institutions get little sun. People living in colder, darker climates (e.g., Alaskans and Canadians) get even less in the winter.  The obese, elderly, very  pale and dark skinned individuals are also at increased risk of insufficient levels of Vitamin D because they are less able to manufacture vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Fortunately, we can also get vitamin D from oily fish (e.g., salmon, herring, trout, sardines, mackerel & tuna), fortified milk products, and vitamin D3 oral supplements. 

NOTE: Most stem cell centers now routinely recommends blood tests for all new patients, including all Parkinson's patients, for Vitamin D blood levels.  If their vitamin D blood levels are suboptimal (less than 40 ng/ml), patients are asked to seek frequent sunlight exposure to the skin when available and supplement daily with very high doses of oral Vitamin D3 both before and after stem cell therapy at our center.  Repeat vitamin D blood tests are then recommended every 3 months to assure achievement and maintenance of optimal blood levels.

3) Lowering elevated homocysteine blood levels

What is homocysteine?

Homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in the blood. High levels of homocysteine in the blood are believed to increase the chance of Parkinson's disease as well as heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and over 100 other medical conditions.

Blood levels of homocysteine are often much too high in Parkinson's patients. The median level was 14.8 units, while optimal homocysteine blood levels are considered by many experts to be less than 7 units.  High blood levels of homocysteine are thought to result in damage and death of dopamine-producing brain cells in the substantia nigra.

Homocysteine is easily and inexpensively tested by a simple homocysteine blood test.  A high blood level of homocysteine predicts your risk for well over 100 diseases, including Parkinson's disease (For more detailed information about homocysteine, see Dr. Braly's book "The H Factor Solution," available from www.amazon.com/books). 

In a 2009 study blood levels of homocysteine were shown to be elevated in Parkinson's patients. The median level found was quite high at 14.8 units (Obeid R et al. Clin Chem. Oct 2009), while optimal, healthy homocysteine blood levels are now considered by many experts to be less than 7 units.

Researchers estimate that at least two-thirds of all cases of high, toxic blood levels of homocysteine are due to suboptimal levels of certain nutrients and can be effectively and safely treated with therapeutic amounts of these nutrients (folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and the amino acid trimethylglycine - See Dr. Braly's book "The H Factor Solution").

As mentioned above, L-DOPA remains the most prescribed medication for Parkinson's disease.  Unfortunately, by causing vitamin B12 and folic acid to be lost or depleted, L-DOPA has become a primary cause of elevated homocysteine blood levels in Parkinson's patients.  Many physicians are now routinely supplementing Parkinson's patients taking L-DOPA with oral B12 and folic acid (Zoccolella  et al. Curr Med Chem 2010).

NOTE:   Most stem cell centers now routinely blood tests all new patients, including all Parkinson's patients, for homocysteine blood levels.   If too high, we recommend therapeutic daily supplements of folic acid, B12, B6 and trimethylglycine (TMG).

4)    Blueberries and blueberry juice for Parkinson's disease

Anti-aging superstars blueberries are loaded with the powerful brain-healing, brain-protecting nutrients called anthocyanins which have been shown toimprove brain function, including memory and muscle coordination.
Blueberries reduce inflammation, which is tightly linked with virtually every major chronic human disease including Parkinson's.                                      

Men and women who regularly consume blueberries & other foods rich in anthocyanins have a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

1) Harvard researchers conducted a study of nearly 50,000 men and over 80,000 women.  After 20 years of following these volunteers, the researchers analyzed the association between anthocyanin intake (as found in blueberries, blackberries, black grapes, dark cherries, pomegranates and beets) and the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.  They found that regular consumption of anthocyanins was associated with significantly lower risk of Parkinson’s disease in both men and women (American Academy of Neurology 63rd Annual Meeting Abstract.  April 2011).

2) Poor coordination and balance are common problems in advanced Parkinson's.  Blueberry extract, equivalent to that found in 1 cup of whole blueberries per day in humans, was given to aging rats and found to reverse age-related signs such as loss of balance and lack of coordination (Medical Tribune, October 1999).

3) A new study in the journal Nutrition involving elderly lab rats suggests that supplementing with blueberries for one month slows and even reverses the decline in mental function, including memory loss associated with aging.

4) Finally, researchers from the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center reported that when humans consumed two cups of pure blueberry juice daily for 12 weeks, it was associated with improved learning and an ability to more easily recall words.  The study was the very first human trial to assess the benefits of blueberries on brain function in older adults with increased risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010).

NOTE:  Blueberries & blueberry juice (& other rich sources of anthocyanins) are important parts of the diet recommended for our Parkinson's patients.

5)  Curcumin (from the spice turmeric) for Parkinson's:   

"Excessive inflammation and oxidation are thought to play key roles in Parkinson's.  Curcumin from the popular spice turmeric is showing excellent promise as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compound in treating Parkinson's disease."

Turmeric is the bright yellow-gold spice found in every India curry dish from mild dishes to the hot and spicy ones.   Medically speaking, the most important chemical in turmeric is curcumin.  The curcumin in turmeric is quite versatile. It also protects the liver, reduces the pain of arthritis, decreases the risk of colon, breast, prostate and skin cancers, and brings about neurogenesis (the growth and creation of new nerve cells) in your brain's memory and mood center.

Turmeric also reportedly increases the production of glutathione by up to 175% (Glutathione is our most powerful detoxifying and healing antioxidant & anti-inflammatory). Parkinson's patients often suffer from pronounced glutathione deficiency, inflammation and oxidation, especially in the substantia nigra.   

Curcumin prevents undesirable brain cell growth and multiplication. The abnormal increase in the number of certain brain cells is another disease process associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease. Curcumin has been shown to prevent the increase in the abnormal numbers of these "non-neuron" brain cells which if allowed to continue increasing in number, cause severe damage to the brain.

Recent evidence now suggests that glutathione deficiency may itself play an active and important role in causing Parkinson’s disease (See below "Glutathione therapy for Parkinson's disease). 

Turmeric (containing 95% curcumin) is now routinely recommended as an oral supplement and medicinal         food spice for all our Parkinson's patients.

6) Glutathione Therapy for Parkinson's disease:
As mentioned above, glutathione is our body's most powerful detoxifying and healing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

1) Oxidative stress has been implicated to play a major role in the neuronal cell death associated with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson's patients suffer from pronounced glutathione deficiency, resulting in pronounced inflammation and oxidative stress, especially in the substantia nigra (Bains JS et al.  Neuro- degenerative disorders in humans: the role of glutathione in oxidative stress-mediated neuronal death. Brain Res Rev. 1997 Dec; vol 25(3): pp335-358).

2) There is a 40-50% deficit in total glutathione levels in the substantia nigra in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (Zeevalk GD et al.Glutathione and Parkinson’s disease: is this the elephant in the room? Biomed Pharmacother. 2008 April-May; vol 62(4): pp 236-249).

3) In a recent published study, glutathione was given to subjects with Parkinson’s disease who had motor symptoms (e.g., stiffness, rigidity, tremor, slow movement, difficulty turning around, speech problems) not adequately controlled by Rx medication. Subjects received 1,400 mg of intravenous glutathione or placebo three times per week for 4 weeks. The results showed that daily quality of living and motor scores improved dramatically in the glutathione-treated group compared to the placebo group.  The subject’s Parkinson symptoms returned after discontinuing the glutathione (Hauser RA et al. Randomized, double-blind, pilot evaluation of intravenous glutathione in Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord. 2009 May 15; vol 24(7): pp 979-983).

IN ADDITION TO STEM CELL THERAPY, as a routine part of our integrative therapy for Parkinson's patient, we focus on dramatically increasing the patient's production of glutathione. In addition to the avoidance of Tylenol (notorious for depleting the body of glutathione),  we are now recommending the following glutathione boosters:

1.    Turmeric containing 95% curcuminoids - see above
2.    Lowering elevated homocysteine blood levels - see above
3.    N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
4.    Glutamine powder
5.    Vitamin C - 500mg daily doubles levels of glutathione in 2 weeks
6. Protandim - a combination of plant nutraceuticals that work by increasing the levels of glutathione and other powerful antioxidant enzymes in the body. 


1. Stem cell therapy: Treatment of Parkinson's disease with stem cells is safe and often effective, resulting in a lessening of Parkinson's-related motor disabilities, an increase in daily activities, elevation of mood, and an overall improvement in quality of life.  Neuroprotection (protection of brain nerve cells from more damage), neurogenesis (creation of new brain cells) and neurorestoration (repair of existing damaged brain cells) all appear to be involved. 

2. Resveratrol therapy: Parkinson’s disease is characterized by decreased levels antioxidants and loss of the chemical messenger dopamine in the area of the brain known as the substantia nigra.  Resveratrol treatment reportedly  increases antioxidant levels,  decreases dopamine loss and protects brain nerve cells in the substantia nigra from damage.

3. Vitamin D therapy: Vitamin D insufficiency is very common in Parkinson's patients. People with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D are more likely to develop Parkinson's when compared to those with the highest vitamin D levels.  Vitamin D deficiency may play a key and important role in causing Parkinson's disease. We routinely test and monitor blood Vitamin D levels, and aggressively treat all Parkinson's patients who have insufficient, suboptimal blood levels with high doses of oral Vitamin D and regular skin exposure to sunlight. 

4. Lowering elevated homocysteine blood levels: Increased blood levels of homocysteine are commonly associated with age-related diseases, including Parkinson's disease.  Lowering and maintaining homocysteine levels at more optimal levels (below 7 units) with B vitamins and trimethylglycine (TMG) may help prevent and slow down the progression of Parkinson's (For this reason, SCCNA routinely tests all patients, including Parkinson's patients, for blood levels of homocysteine.  If too high, we aggressively treat to lower homocysteine to more optimal levels).

5. Turmeric/curcumin therapy: Turmeric (containing 95% curcumin) is a very powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, glutathione-increasing medicinal spice.  It may be very effective in preventing Parkinson's from developing and in addition may play a powerful role in preventing further deterioration.  For these reasons, SCCNA routinely encourages supplementation with turmeric (standardized with 95% curcumin) for all Parkinson patients. 

6. Blueberries and pure blueberry juice therapy: The anti-aging superstar, blueberries, loaded with powerful brain-healing, brain-protecting anthocyanins, has been shown to improve  brain function, including memory, balance and coordination. Blueberries also reduce inflammation, which is tightly linked with virtually every major chronic human disease including Parkinson's disease. Men and women who regularly consume foods rich in anthocyanins have a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.  We strongly recommend a diet that includes an abundance of blueberries, blueberry juice and other anthocyanins-rich foods.

7. Glutathione therapy:  Parkinson patient are glutathione deficient, especially in the substantia nigra, resulting in death of dopamine-producing cells.  As a routine part of our integrative therapy for Parkinson's patient, we focus on dramatically increasing the patient's production of glutathione with six glutathione boosters (Turmeric, NAC, glutamine, Vitamin C, lowering homocysteine blood levels and Protandin).
Recent research reports that 100% of umbilical cord blood stem cells successfully "engraft" if administered on two separate days; that is, the researchers observed that once administered, umbilical cord blood stem cells migrate to the target tissue or organ needing treatment where they then anchor, settle in, integrate and start working, reportedly 100% of the time - but only if administered on two separate days.  This reported 100% engraftment rate is superior to the rate achieved with a single day of stem cell treatment (Also note: by dramatically increasing the number of stem cells infused, improved engraftment also occurs).

Best stem cell treatments for Parkinson's are 2 consecutive days - What this 2 consecutive days of stem cell therapy means for you:  

• Two consecutive days of intravenous (IV) stem cell therapy offers a very safe, effective alternative to the more expensive Circle of Willis arterial catheterization protocol (See above).
• You don't stay longer
• By replacing the Circle of Willis protocol on Day #3, the two-day IV stem cell treatment protocol dramatically lowers the price for patients with chronic brain conditions (e.g., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injuries and cerebral palsy) 

For more science-based information on medical and nutrition topics, you may wish to visit these websites: Mayo Clinic, harvard edu, WebMD.com, PubMed, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, National Institutes of Health (NIH), US Dept of Health and Human Services, Medicine Net, The Food and Nutrition Information Center, nutrition gov, and world health news.

Disclaimer:  Dr. James Braley - the publisher-editor of this newsletter disclaims any liability, loss or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use, application or implementation of any of the newsletter's contents.  Readers, health seekers and other participants are cautioned about the potential risk of using limited knowledge when pursuing personal health objectives without the individualized supervision of an experienced health professional  keenly aware of the reader's/participant's specific and unique health issues; that is, the information contained here is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice from your own healthcare professional who personally talks with, examines and treats you. This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication.  Information and statements provided by this publication about diet, vitamin and herbal supplements and stem cell therapy have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 

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RSCI's Chairman, Don Margolis

In 2003, Don created the very first clinic IN THE WORLD to treat sick and dying heart patients with stem cells at an average of 100 each year

In 2008 Don created the Repair Stem Cell Institute to help patients with one of 100 chronic conditions, who can NEVER be cured in a "no cures allowed" corrupt medical system, find a stem cell clinic which can give them a far better quality of life.

Click here for the full story.

Our Resident MD

Dr. James Braly is the world's only MD who is expert in the field of stem cells and is a world-class nutritionist.  He has developed the world's ONLY stem cell nutrition program which is available to RSCI members. See why he is the #1 stem cell nutritionist in the world.  Click Here

There is never a charge for any of RSCI's services

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