Don Margolis, Founder & Chairman

“Visionary.” “Humanitarian” “The only fully honest voice in the wilderness world of adult stem cell treatment.”

This is how Don Margolis is known worldwide for his tireless advocacy of the clinically proven effectiveness of Adult Stem Cells (also known as Repair stem cells) to help patients suffering from chronic medical conditions, often written off as “hopeless” by the medical establishment. Don's permanent goal is to help them to lead longer, more active, and higher quality lives. Not bad for an 84-year-old guy who’s not an MD! The praise is well-deserved for this graduate of Drexel University who spent 37 years as an insurance executive, a position which gave him unlimited insight into how people often feel helpless to contend with seemingly insurmountable adversity. Since 2003, Don has dedicated himself to helping patients and their loved ones cut through tangential and distracting political and religious debates about stem cell medicine and treatments, and concentrate instead on the core science with its enormous potential to change how people understand and cope with disease.

“I am not a crusader.”

"I am not a crusader," Don, The Voice of Stem Cell Science, has said many times. "My only agenda is to help patients who are told that their medical conditions are untreatable when that’s completely untrue." Margolis describes his personal mission in life as “to bring a major medical benefit to mankind.” This purpose took shape in 2003 when Don founded the world’s first stem cell treatment company, TheraVitae, with the help of Dr. Shimon Slavin, who Don considers the greatest stem cell doctor of all. Within 18 months, TheraVitae had become the first stem cell venture in the world to treat heart patients who had previously lived day-to-day with no hope from the medical establishment. In 2008, Don founded the Repair Stem Cell Institute (RSCI), a public affairs and repair stem cell advocacy organization dedicated to converting the remarkable potential of stem cells into a reality available to as many people as possible. Served by a world-class Science Advisory Board of doctors and researchers, all personally recruited by Don, RSCI has helped thousands of people to better understand and benefit from the enormous healing possibilities

He tells it like it is and so do his patients

Those who have followed Don’s groundbreaking work and dedication to "tell it like it is" about why repair stem cells are not in widespread use in the developed world, especially the United States, appreciate his outspoken honesty and directness. Don especially wants you to know that The public in every western democracy is just plain misinformed about stem cells, since so many of their politicians and 80%+ of our doctors are owned by Big Pharma, which will never willingly allow repair stem cells to interfere with its profits of a Billion dollars every three days...that’s a BILLION...that’s a THOUSAND MILLION!! But you do not know that “Profits come First and you come last!” Stem cell therapy has the immediate capacity to improve the effectiveness of the “killer therapies” for the Big Three Killers: Chemotherapy for Cancer; Insulin therapy for Diabetes; and, “Give Up” therapy for Heart Disease.


Don continues to dedicate himself to guiding patients who may have lost hope to healthier, more active, and longer lives. “Education is Empowerment,” Don is fond of saying. “The Repair Stem Cells Institute exists for one reason – to bring the greatest medicine the world has ever known to the science and art of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease, relieving pain and suffering, and most of all, improving and preserving health.”