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Obama Stem Cell Ad Ignores 'Adult Stem Cell' Diabetes Treatments

Release date: 10/1/2008

Repair Stem Cell Institute Spokesman

BANGKOK, Thailand, Oct. 1 (PRNewswire) -- Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama's political advertisement focusing on "stem cell research" and using the mother of a child with juvenile diabetes "implies there are currently no stem cell therapies available for someone with this disease and that's just not true," stated Don Margolis, Chairman of The Repair Stem Cell Institute (www.RepairStemCells.org) based in Bangkok, Thailand. The Obama ad features a mother, Jody Montgomery, who says in the commercial: "My name is Jody Montgomery and my daughter Maddy was diagnosed with type 1 juvenile diabetes at age 3. Six times a day, I take her blood. Six times a day, I pray for a cure. Researchers are working hard to do just that. Our best hope is stem cell research, and that's why we support Barack Obama."

According to Margolis, "Patients with the same type 1 diabetes as Maddy Montgomery are being treated with 'adult stem cells' today in Cologne, Germany, one of the world's finest government-approved medical facilities, as well as at medical facilities in Latin America. Furthermore, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) web site (www.clinical trials.gov) has at least 7 medical and life science studies where 'adult stem cells' and diabetes treatments are mentioned. There are over 2000 adult stem cell clinical trials listed on the NIH web site and only five 'embryonic' stem cell trials registered.

Margolis urged Senator Obama "to visit www.RepairStemCells.org/StemCellTreatmentCenters.php for RSCI's global listing of stem cell treatment centers and the doctors/researchers meeting the Institute's rigid Standards of Excellence. He could then review the 100+ diseases (including type 1 diabetes) now being treated with adult stem cells by renowned doctors throughout the world."

About the Repair Stem Cell Institute

The Repair Stem Cell Institute LLC (RSCI) is a global public service firm dedicated to educating the public about repair stem cell/adult stem cell research and treatments worldwide. RSCI was founded in April 2008 and is headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand with offices in Dallas, Texas and Washington, D.C.

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RSCI's Chairman, Don Margolis

In 2003, Don created the very first clinic IN THE WORLD to treat sick and dying heart patients with stem cells at an average of 100 each year

In 2008 Don created the Repair Stem Cell Institute to help patients with one of 100 chronic conditions, who can NEVER be cured in a "no cures allowed" corrupt medical system, find a stem cell clinic which can give them a far better quality of life.

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